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Love To Fuck Hey boys. I am 26 and i love to be pampered. I am am honest, open mined person who is easy to get along with.. I do not like to play games and i do not like liers.. I am always open to something different.. horny single girl from Shady Valley, Tennessee
are you the real man for me ? What I desire more than anything is a man by my side to make my life complete. A man whom I would be proud to call my husband, a man who could offer him love in return. Thatman & I shall become one in our bond; we shall become "us"... not "you & I". I dream of walking along a beach or country lane, holding the hand of the man I love. He is secure in the knowledge of my undying love for him. Along the way I may stop to pick some flowers for him, so he can revel in their handsomenes & fragrance. If the weather were to turn cooler I would offer him my coat; if it should rain, my umbrella. I desire to see the expression of joy on his face, when I tell him every day how much I love him, appreciate & value him more than he will ever know. That he is a gift I will always treasure. I wish to see him delight upon receiving a present, something simple such as flowers, it may be more elaborate or a romantic dinner. It is a small token of my appreciation of him, to say thank you for being with me. To walk along the shoreline under the moonlight, arm in arm with the man I love is something I dream of every night. Lay a whisper upon my pillow, leave the winter outside my door. I wake up lonely, a cell of silence, in the bedroom & all around. Hold me now, I close my eyes & in the darkness I dream away. Of a lovely man, a breath of freshness, the promise of Spring. To comfort my night & fulfil my day. I need tender hands to take me all the way to paradise. Then when its over I ha woman seeking man in Tennessee, Shady Valley

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Mountain Hiker I came from a small town called Lompico, from Santa Cruz county. I lived there for ten years before moving to Pioneer. This is a different forest to me, I still love it, but it isn't the same as the Redwood forest I came from. I love to go exploring, sometimes spending all day traversing a hillside, I like to sit on various rocks and observe the flora and fauna. I find the beauty in this world and enjoy it while it's here and while I'm here to enjoy it. I used to be in the Army, it was an experience I don't really wish to repeat. I've made some choices that I wouldn't make again, but I'm glad I made them or I would never know for myself. sexy woman located in Shady Valley, state Tennessee

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